FQ Platform Feature Release:
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Product Defect Submission Hub

Here at Factored Quality, we live and breathe consumer goods and spend all our time ensuring our customers' products are of the highest quality. This is why we know firsthand how frustrating it can be when the excitement of opening up a new product is met with the disappointment of a defective one. 

Instead of just venting your frustration with the brand directly and going on social media to complain (you can do those things as well), we wanted to find a way to actually address and solve these issues once and for all. So, we built the Defective Product Submission Page you see here.

How does it work? Each time we receive a submission, we share the info with the brand that made the product and provide them with a full set of actions and recommendations on how to fix the issue and prevent further issues from ever arising. Don’t worry, all submissions are confidential and will only be seen by the FQ team and the brand itself. 

Our approach involves leveraging resources such as FQ Certification and our QC Scorecard to certify suppliers and enhance quality control practices. Join us in our mission to elevate industry standards and foster positive relationships between brands and consumers.Best of all, once we hear back from the brand, we will report back to you (the consumer) with the action items and steps that will be taken.
We hope you find this helpful, and please always direct any feedback or suggestions to our team directly.

The FQ Team

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